Things You Need Before Redesigning Your Website

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Things You Need Before Redesigning Your Website
Jun20, 2024

Things You Need Before Redesigning Your Website

Brands often opt to change their official business website. A website redesign might include just an aesthetic makeover or a complete overhaul. Business website redesign is crucial as it helps with lead generation, customer engagement, boosting the brand image, and overall profitability.

So, you have decided to change how your brand website looks. What now? Before you begin with this crucial task, you have to clear up certain pointers. This will ensure that you achieve what you desire from the website redesign. Let’s find out more below.

What are the Factors to Consider When Redesigning Your Brand Website?

What are the factors to consider when redesigning your brand website
Major factors to keep in mind when redesigning a website

First understand your goals, objectives, and audience to ensure that the site redesigning goes seamlessly. Update the content, and understand the design and user experience requirements. Assess your budget, timeline, and technical requirements, and don’t forget to run a competitor analysis.

Here’s a detailed rundown on each of the factors for a better understanding:

1. Clear Objectives and Goals

Make sure that you have a clear goal for your brand. Ask yourself what you want to achieve by changing the design. Do you want to simply change the layout, colour, or design? Or do you want to go for a complete facelift? Plan the changes in the design and content as per your priority.

2. Understand Your Audience

Are you aware of exactly what your audience wants or expects from you? Understand what your audience is looking for in the website. Add or remove such features and make necessary changes to the website layout and design. Keep in mind the age, demographics, buyer persona, interest and other factors.

3. Comprehensive Site Audit

Make sure to conduct a critical and in-depth look at how your current website is performing. Analyse the website, how it is working, the areas it is lagging and those that need improvement. This will help you to focus on where to put efforts.

4. Updated Content Strategy

Review the current content on the website and update it, if necessary. Adding fresh, relevant, and original content is key to improving customer engagement and site ranking. Understand where and how much content your website needs. If required, set aside a budget for hiring a content strategist.

5. SEO Considerations

Analyse the SEO metrics with Google Search Console to check if it meets all necessary criteria. You can hire an expert SEO professional to understand the website’s SEO performance and improve it.

6. Technical Requirements

Assess the technical needs that you’d require to redesign the website and maintain it after its launch. A clear assessment will help you look for resources that would be ideal to build the website exactly as you want.

7. Design and User Experience

Design and functionality go hand-in-hand when it comes to offering a better user experience. Combine useful features along with attractive design to provide exactly what your clients are expecting.

8. Budget and Timeline

Website redesign task are time-consuming and resource-intensive. You will need to hire expert professionals for design, UI/UX, back-end and front-end development, content, SEO and promotion. A shoestring budget might lead to unnecessary disappointment and poor quality of work.

Also, make sure you give ample timeline for the project. Good things take time and a short deadline might lead to compromise on quality.

9. Competitor Analysis

You need to also check out the competitor’s websites. This will help get an idea of the best practices and trends in your industry right now. You can get a reference of what you need to add or avoid on your website.

10. Mobile-first Web Design

A massive portion of consumers today access the internet through mobile devices. Your website needs to be optimised for mobile devices if you want to attract more customers. Ensure to invest in making your new website more mobile-friendly and responsive.

11. Backup and Migration Plan

Do you have a backup plan for the data of your business website? Ensure to keep a data back and migration plan in place before you start with the redesign task. This will help you stay prepared in the event of an unwanted data loss or breach.

12. Team and Resources

Determine the aspects that your website needs improvement. You can assign in-house resources or plan to hire specialised resources from another agency. Make a list of resources that you will need like UI/UX designers, testers, developers, content creators, SEO experts and more. Chalk out a team for each task to ensure smooth development.

13. Testing and Feedback Mechanisms

Figure out the testing process and the feedback mechanism for the newly designed website. Robust and fool-proof testing and feedback will help in successful and error-free launching. You can choose specialised feedback tools and software.

14. Post-Launch Plan

Your job won’t be done with the website launch. You need to monitor the performance and carry out necessary maintenance. Either you can have an internal team or hire a web development company that will look after the post-launch maintenance and support. They will ensure your website runs hassle-free around the clock.

15. Legal and Compliance Checks

Take into account the necessary legal and compliance checks before launching a new website for your brand. If you are unsure, you can opt for IT consulting services from any leading agency. They’ll assist with all the necessary compliance checks you need to consider for a smooth website launch.

To Conclude

Redesigning a website might seem to be a daunting task. It will require endless planning, fund allocation, and smooth execution. Not sure whether your team can do it alone altogether? Let Digital Aptech assist you.

Hire skilled and experienced designers, developers, marketing professionals, content strategists, SEO experts with the Dedicated Resource Model. Improve your brand’s efficiency and operations at highly competitive prices. Get an exclusive team of dedicated resources and make your business website stand out.


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