1. Introduction

DAPL (formerly known as Digital Aptech Pvt Ltd) is committed towards minimizing our environmental impact and promoting sustainability in all aspects of our operations. We recognize the importance of environmental stewardship and strive to integrate environmental considerations into our business decisions and practices.

2. Environmental Commitment

2.1 Compliance: DAPL will comply with all applicable environmental laws, regulations, and standards relevant to our operations.

2.2 Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continually improving our environmental performance by setting objectives and targets aimed at reducing our environmental footprint.

2.3 Resource Efficiency: We will strive to use resources efficiently, including energy, water, and raw materials, to minimize waste and pollution.

2.4 Pollution Prevention: DAPL will implement measures to prevent pollution and minimize emissions of greenhouse gasses and other pollutants.

3. Responsibilities

3.1 Management Commitment: Senior management is committed to providing the necessary resources and support to implement and maintain this Environmental Policy.

3.2 Employee Engagement: All employees are encouraged to contribute to our environmental objectives and initiatives by following best practices and suggesting improvements.

3.3 Training and Awareness: DAPL will provide training and awareness programs to employees to enhance understanding of environmental issues and promote environmentally responsible behavior.

4. Key Areas of Focus

4.1 Energy Efficiency: We will implement energy-efficient practices and technologies to reduce energy consumption and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

4.2 Water Conservation: DAPL will minimize water use through efficiency measures and responsible water management practices.

4.3 Waste Reduction: We will reduce waste generation through recycling programs, waste minimization strategies, and responsible disposal practices.

4.4 Transportation: We will promote sustainable transportation options and encourage employees to use public transportation, carpooling, or cycling.

5. Supplier and Partner Engagement

5.1 Environmental Criteria: DAPL will encourage suppliers and partners to adopt environmental management practices and consider environmental criteria in procurement decisions.

5.2 Collaboration: We will collaborate with suppliers and partners to identify opportunities for joint environmental initiatives and improvement projects.

6. Community Engagement

6.1 Community Outreach: DAPL will engage with local communities to raise awareness of environmental issues and support environmental conservation efforts.

6.2 Education and Outreach: We will participate in community events and initiatives that promote environmental sustainability and conservation.

7. Monitoring and Reporting

7.1 Performance Measurement: We will monitor our environmental performance through regular audits and assessments to track progress towards our environmental goals.

7.2 Reporting: DAPL will communicate our environmental performance and achievements transparently to stakeholders, including employees, customers, and the public.

8. Review and Improvement

8.1 Policy Review: This Environmental Policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and relevance to DAPL’s operations.

8.2 Continuous Improvement: We will seek opportunities for continuous improvement in our environmental management practices and performance.

9. Contact Information

For questions or more information regarding our Environmental Policy, please contact:

Environmental Officer: process@digitalaptech.com